Minecraft vs Minecraft Wiki

The Nuggetflower is the first Gold Nugget-producing plant you recieve. It is a sole part of your defenses; they would fail without these in most cases.



The Nuggetflower.

HP: 5 (Soft)

Gold Nugget Production: 5 Gold Nuggets every 24 seconds (Normal)

Cost: 10 gold nuggets

Recharge: Fast

Ally Boost: Creates 25 gold nuggets.


It is a vital part of defenses, as it is needed in almost every single level. Its nugget production is on par with what is needed.

Almanac Entry[]


Nuggetflower makes gold nuggets at an average rate.

Cost: 10

Almanac Entry: Nuggetflower's life choices are often questioned. "If you can make gold, why aren't you rich?" she gets asked. She responds with "If I sell the gold I make, its value drops. Even in this line of work is economics important."
